Friday, September 24, 2010

Continue to send boxtops.

This morning we went to morning meeting and sat and waited for the teachers to call our names to go to the classrooms. When we got to the classroom we unpacked and got ready for our trip to the Nature Center. We went to the Nature Center with cameras, paper, and pencil. The cameras were for taking pictures and videos of what we saw. The paper and pencils were writing and drawing what we saw. It was fun because we saw birdhouses, a bunny, a field of grass, a Granddaddy Long leg, berries, and some bees. We were sad because two of our friends accidentally got stung by bees. Unfortunately the bees were looking at flowers the same time we were. The good news is THEY ARE OKAY! Then we came back inside and used the bodies we cut out yesterday for our five senses. For the sense touch we traced our hands onto sandpaper and cut them out. To show smell we glued cotton balls on with baby powder on them. For taste we used half of a Twizzler to show our tongue. For hearing we used to jingle bells to glue onto our ears. After we worked on our five senses we started our spelling test and finished it after lunch. We thought the test was going to be terribly hard but it was easier than we thought.

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