Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spelling test on Friday.

First thing when we got to school we went to morning meeting to begin our day. Then we came to the room to unpack and do morning message. Today was Triana’s turn to be written about so we interactively wrote about her then independently wrote about her. Next, we went to reading centers. Daphne and her group went into the hall to look at their teeth in the mirror. After looking at their teeth they had to draw them then write about them. Recess and lunch were next. After number corner we learned a new math center called Bugs in the Garden Addition. Kassidy said she enjoyed doing it during her math center. PE was next and we did free centers during PE time. When we came back we worked on using our five senses to describe pictures, such as, a frog, a ghost, a skunk, and some dessert.

One thought on “Wednesday, September 22, 2010

  1. Using all five senses to describe things like a ghost and a skunk sounds like fun. Once I saw a skunk in the woods and I turned and went the other way. Thank goodness I have never seen a ghost.

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