Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Forgive us, we have not been able to blog lately, which makes us sad. But we have been VERY busy working and have run out of time. We will get back to daily blogging when things slow down. Check back for updates daily!

Our morning started off in morning meeting. Then we quietly came in the room and unpacked at our own desk. Next was morning message where we wrote about being CHAMPS and how to be a better CHAMP. Spelling was next and we worked on telling the difference between “there” and “their.” Mrs. Ray orally said sentences using “there” or “their” and we had to write the correct word on our dry erase boards. We have our spelling test Friday so we will work on it tomorrow also. After spelling we did writers’ workshop. Sam is writing a fiction story called The Runaway Turkey. Daphne is writing a nonfiction book about sharks. Landon is publishing a story about Halloween. Karson is revising a story about her favorite zoo animals. Reading centers was next followed by recess and lunch. We came back from lunch we did number corner and played three rounds of Around the World. Around the World is a game we play to work on our addition facts.

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