Friday, February 26, 2010

Notes in my folder.

Since it is Friday we went to PE. Some students were making bad choices and not following Coach Underwood’s rules so we had to have a brief lecture about consequences. Monday in PE is going to be a much better day with everyone making good choices. A dental hygenist named Mrs. Sipes came and taught us about going to the dentist and taking care of our teeth. We practiced our letter writing and wrote a thank you letter to Mrs. Sipes. Our CHAMPS assembly was over kindness this morning. Mrs. Busha’s taught us that “kindness matters.” Our class had the following CHAMPS receive awards:

Graham – math award

Emily – car pick-up award

Kaeden – reading award

Khloe – morning meeting award

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fundraisers due tomorrow. Sign and return report card tomorrow.

Today we practiced our parts for our Texas Readers’ Theater. We will be presenting books about Texas on Thursday, March 11 at 6:30 in the elementary cafeteria. Since we are starting a new six weeks we celebrated last six weeks R2W winners. They went to the playground and had a snack and extra play time. In math we are working on developing Texas story boards for problem solving. Next week we will begin solving the problems one at a time. Since it is Thursday we went to technology, after we finished our technology lesson #34 we were able to play games.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Note in my folder.

Today is Groundhog’s Day! We read several books about Groundhog’s Day then we watched a short video on msnbc to see if the real Phil saw his shadow. We learned we have six more weeks of winter. In math we are finishing up time so we did a short assessment over time to the hour and time to the half hour. During reading centers, the green group received the paw print because they have improved how they work. Since the sun came out we went outside for recess and got some fresh and released some energy.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be on time in the morning because we have a band assembly at 8:00.

We have been reading books about a penguin character named Tacky. He is very funny and always having a problem. Today was our spelling test over our no excuse words 1-51. We will get 8 more spelling words on Monday. This morning we went to CHAMPS assembly and listened as Mrs. Benson’s class taught us about self-control. During the assembly David received and award for math and Ryan received an award for unpacking in the morning. Our bellies got full from lunch because we ate chicken rings, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, fruit, and a hot roll.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spelling test tomorrow.

Today we practiced a shelter in place drill because we want to be safe in case of an emergency. We have mastered counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s; so today we started skip counting by 3’s. We are so excited for the new challenge! During writers’ workshop we worked on our winter story. We will finish it tomorrow and have it published. During math we challenged ourselves to work independently on telling time to the hour and half hour. Since it is Wednesday, we went to ready bodies and Mrs. Peery showed us our new stations.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Boxtop note in my folder.

We are back and blogging! At recess today we were able to play outside because it did not rain. We needed the fresh air and enjoyed being outside. Did you know there are only 9 more school days until the 100th day of first grade? We will celebrate the 100th day of first grade on Monday, February 1. Since it is Tuesday we went to music with Mrs. Kimbley and worked on acting and singing out a story called “The Tortoise and the Hare.” In social studies we are finishing our study of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he changed the world for the better. In science we are starting to read about the habitat and climate of penguins. Our penguin study will last approximately three weeks. Check back for more information about penguins. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas party Friday at 9:00.

We had a special day because our principal, Mrs. Koonce, came to read a Christmas story to us. It was called Too Many Toys. We made our last ornament for our Christmas tree, it is a little Rudolph. Today we went to the science lab to learn how to use parts to make things whole or move. At the end of the day we worked on problem solving doing addition and subtraction with Christmas story boards. After lunch and PE we read 4 new Christmas books.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We are working on self-control so we can go see the play tomorrow.

This afternoon we were treated to a surprise by the intermediate school. They let us their bouncy house during peripherals. We had a blast!!! After the bouncy house we went to the library and checked out new library books. Mrs. Elder read us McDuff’s New Friend. After lunch the box top lady brought us our prize for winning the box top bowl. We received 100 dollars to spend on our classroom. We had our picture taken for the newspaper, so keep a lookout for it.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas party Friday, Dec. 18 at 9:00.

We finished ready our Junie B. Jones Christmas book today. We were ecstatic that she made a good choice and ended up making someone else really happy. This morning we did reading centers where we are learning how to use our Ipods to listen to stories. Since Christmas is coming up we decorated Christmas trees to hang up in the room and continued working on our Santa letters. Look for a copy of Santa letters to come home next week with graded papers. Have a great weekend and bundle up!