Monday, April 5, 2010

Spelling test on Friday.

During math we began learning about out coins. Today we focused on the penny and the nickel. We counted collections of nickels and pennies. This afternoon we went to math centers and worked on telling time to the hour and half hour and counting money. We were put into new math groups for our math centers today. After PE we began discussing ponds by listing what we knew about them and what we want to know about them. Mrs. Ray read us a book called Life in a Pond. The book showed us that the pond is a busy place, especially for animals.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We went to ready bodies today. Mrs. Ray read Thumper’s Little  Sisters. From that book we learned when we have baby brothers or sisters our parents still love us but they may not have as much time. Today we made calendar markers for the new month starting tomorrow. We went  to  the  library  and  turned in our books  and  got  some  new  books. TOMRROW   IS   OUR   EASTER   PARTY. Please bring 12 eggs, a basket, and a towel. The party will be outside in front of the primary school starting at 1:30.

Today’s blog was written by Payton and Logan and edited by Mrs. Ray’s Class.

Wednesday, March 30, 2010

Spelling test Friday the ninth.

When we went outside today  it was sunny. Today we red The Great  Easter Egg Hunt. It was a funny story with hidden pictures in it. Thursday is are EASTER  PARTY! We have to bring our baskets, candy and 12 eggs.  Today we went to music. Our candy came in from our fundraiser so be sure to pick it up.

Haleigh and Carter wrote this and Mrs. Ray edited and published it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mrs. Ray gone on Monday.

Today we videoed our Little Rabbit Foo Foo song. Look for it and our CHAMPS assembly performance to be on our blog next week. Since it felt so good and the sun was shining we got to go outside for recess. For our read alouds today we read It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown and The Easter Beagle Returns. We liked both books because they were funny. We also learned Snoopy is the Easter Beagle. Since it is Friday we went to PE and went to the track then played musical rugs in the gym.

Thursday, March, 25, 2010

Today we took pictures and it was FUN! The background looked like we were outisde. For lunch we ate steak  fingers, chicken nuggets, and a hot roll.We  read a  book called the is The Easter Bunny is Missing and Litte Rabbit  Foo Foo. Both books have rabbits but we enjoy Little Rabbit Foo Foo better because it teaches us a lesson about being nice. And we don’t want the Good Fairy to turn us into a goonie! Tomorrow we will video us singing and do the actions to Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Look for it on our website and blog next week. We went outside but it was windy and a litte bit cold so we came inside early.

Khloe and Graham wrote today’s blog.

Tomorrow is our CHAMPS assembly. We will be on stage at 8:00 ready to sing about diligence.

Wednesday, March 24,2010

Today  we  got  to go  outside for recess. We had a fun time because we plated together on the slide, chase, or spies. Since  today  is  Wednesday  we  get  to   go  to  ready bodies and work on keeping our balance. These exercise make us stronger athletes and better students. Today we practiced our CHAMPS ASSEMBLY. We are so EXCITED about being on stage Friday. Today  in  math we  are  working  on  doubles   and   neighors.    We    are      lerning    time    to     the      5    minutes in number corner.  For  lunch  we   had    hambrgers  and    chesebrgers.

Brian and Brooklynn wrote today’s blog

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homework in my folder.

We went to music today and made a chick to go inside of an Easter egg. Also, in music we learned two new songs, Eggbert and Hatching Ballet. Mrs. Kimbley is also teaching us the bunny hop. There are only three more days until our CHAMPS assembly so we are practicing our song and presentation every morning. Our song is about diligence and what that means.

Monday, March 22, 2010

3 notes in my folder

Since today we went to PE and played a game called popcorn. It made us sweaty and hot! We shared some read aloud books from Jada, Reagan, and Haleigh. In the books we listened for words that described animals. By the time it was recess, the sun had come out, so we were able to play outside and …… NOBODY GOT MUD ON THEM!!! We started practicing our performance for our CHAMPS assembly on Friday. We are talking about diligence and singing a song about diligence. Our performance time is 8:00 on Friday morning. Please come if you would like to.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Be at school at 6:15 tonight in western wear.

Today was our last practice before our readers’ theater tonight. We are so excited and cannot wait to show off our skills. Our day was pretty fun because we did math and went outside for recess to get our energy out. Today was very sunny so we can tell the weather is turning towards spring. In math today we learned how to talk about and determine area by what covers most and covers least by using cubes to measure. During number corner we are challenging ourselves by telling time to the five minutes and skip counting by threes.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Graded papers tomorrow.

This morning we went to the stage to practice our readers’ theater. We will practice one more time before our performance tomorrow night. We are writing a Texas booklet so today we researched the mockingbird on and for information. Then we wrote a short paragraph about the mockingbird. Did you know the mockingbird does not fly south for the winter? We learned the mockingbird will dive bomb on cats getting near their nest. The mockingbird is a mimic, which means it copies the voice or sounds of other birds. Also, it can lay three to six eggs in its nest. Their diet consists of insects, fruit, and seeds. Interesting information!