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Author Archives: Mrs. Ray
Friday, September 24, 2010
Continue to send boxtops.
This morning we went to morning meeting and sat and waited for the teachers to call our names to go to the classrooms. When we got to the classroom we unpacked and got ready for our trip to the Nature Center. We went to the Nature Center with cameras, paper, and pencil. The cameras were for taking pictures and videos of what we saw. The paper and pencils were writing and drawing what we saw. It was fun because we saw birdhouses, a bunny, a field of grass, a Granddaddy Long leg, berries, and some bees. We were sad because two of our friends accidentally got stung by bees. Unfortunately the bees were looking at flowers the same time we were. The good news is THEY ARE OKAY! Then we came back inside and used the bodies we cut out yesterday for our five senses. For the sense touch we traced our hands onto sandpaper and cut them out. To show smell we glued cotton balls on with baby powder on them. For taste we used half of a Twizzler to show our tongue. For hearing we used to jingle bells to glue onto our ears. After we worked on our five senses we started our spelling test and finished it after lunch. We thought the test was going to be terribly hard but it was easier than we thought.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Spelling test tomorrow.
We went to ready bodies for morning meeting then came to the room to unpack. Next, we wrote our morning message and wrote about what we are looking for when we go to the Nature Center tomorrow. Kassidy is hoping to see animals, Sam wants to see honeysuckles and flowers, and Daphne is looking for different leaves. Then we went to our desk and worked on spelling words: are and he. It was Miguel’s turn for us to write about him today so we interactively wrote about him then did it independently. To continue working on our five senses we went to the science lab and traced our bodies. Tomorrow we are going to add some things to the bodies and write about our favorite sense. Next was recess followed by a delicious lunch. After lunch we did number corner then math centers.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Spelling test on Friday.
First thing when we got to school we went to morning meeting to begin our day. Then we came to the room to unpack and do morning message. Today was Triana’s turn to be written about so we interactively wrote about her then independently wrote about her. Next, we went to reading centers. Daphne and her group went into the hall to look at their teeth in the mirror. After looking at their teeth they had to draw them then write about them. Recess and lunch were next. After number corner we learned a new math center called Bugs in the Garden Addition. Kassidy said she enjoyed doing it during her math center. PE was next and we did free centers during PE time. When we came back we worked on using our five senses to describe pictures, such as, a frog, a ghost, a skunk, and some dessert.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
No afternoon pep rally tomorrow. Book orders due tomorrow.
We started our day off by coming in and unpacking our backpacks at our desk. Next we did morning message and wrote about trying to get more points than Mrs. Ray. If we get more points than Mrs. Ray you get extra recess. Today we had three more points than Mrs. Ray so we go three extra minutes of recess. We were so excited! Next we made words by playing an activity called change a letter. We started his and changed it to make is then it then pit and so on. Then we wrote about our friend Karson today. She told us when she grows up that she wants to become a fashion designer. We can’t wait to see the clothes she makes! After lunch we worked on addition using dominoes. We are still taking two parts and making a whole using the dominoes. Then we went to PE and played Sheriff and the Posy. And everybody got out twice!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Spirit ribbons on sale tomorrow for $1.00.
First thing we did this morning was morning message where shared our favorite things about PE. Next we used our dry erase boards and made short vowel word families for an, en, in, on, and un. Afterward we interactively wrote about Sam then went to our desk and independently wrote about him. Then we did our reading centers. Daphne’s group had fun tracing their foot and writing about all they can do with it. After lunch and number corner we worked on adding by taking two parts and making them a whole part. PE was next and we had a great time. One of our friends accidentally got hurt during PE but he is okay now! We are happy for that!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Book order and graded papers in my folder. Spelling test on 9-24-10.
First thing this morning we did morning message and shared some things from the weekend. Then we learned our new sight words. They are: his, they, he, as, with, at, for, on, are, was. Spelling test will be Friday, September 24. Begin studying now!!! Next, we interactively wrote about Joshua before independently writing about him. After writing we went to reading centers. Landon enjoyed going to computer center and playing primary games. Next was recess then lunch. During math we worked on independent problem solving. One of the last things we did today was go to Ready Bodies then we looked at our new book order and packed up.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sign and return note in my folder.
Today we had fun at PE playing Tunnel Tag, which is kind of like Freeze Tag. Karson enjoyed lunch because she brought two desserts to eat after her meal. We started our morning off with morning message then we wrote about our classmate Morgan. After writing we did our reading centers where some of use listened to stories, wrote stories, located vowels, or played computer games. Overall, we had a good day and we are still working on showing respect by not yelling out.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Have to have a note to go to the pep rally tomorrow.
First thing we did when we came in this morning was unpack our backpacks. Then the boys went to a meeting to learn about Cub Scouts. After the returned we wrote interactively about our friend Ethan. Next, we did reading centers. This afternoon we worked on our problem solving with ladybugs. Then when we went math centers and Ryan and Kassidy built a 3D tent with polydrons.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PE tomorrow.
Lunch was really good today because we ate hamburgers, chips, and oranges. Since today is Wednesday we went to PE and enjoyed playing The Three Foxes. During writing today we wrote about our friend Landon. During math we worked on problem solving. Then we went to math centers and Kassidy and Ryan built a rocket ship with their pattern blocks.